Specialized Dentistry in Calgary

Our highly-skilled team is prepared to meet your needs, no matter the specialized challenge.



Maybe you’ve lost teeth from years of wear and tear, or perhaps you forgot your mouthguard for hockey practice. We’ve got you covered. Dental implants provide a permanent solution to missing teeth! Implants are fused into the jawbone so they will stay in place - just don’t forget your mouthguard next time!


Implant Dentures

Tired of dentures, but not quite ready for implants? Implant dentures might just be the solution for you! These implants strike a middle ground between the affordability of dentures and the longevity of dental implants, and will allow you to eat foods you couldn’t dream of touching with your traditional dentures!


Complete and Partial Dentures

Missing teeth can impair speech and make a face appear sunken. Dentures solve this by providing structure around your tongue, cheeks, and lips. If your remaining teeth are causing you extreme pain or are severely damaged, removing and replacing them with dentures is a viable solution. Dentures will enable you to properly chew your food and keep properly nourished with a variety of foods in your diet. You’ll also speak and smile with confidence.


Night Guards

Whether you grind your teeth at night or struggle with jaw pain, night guards are a cost-effective and time-tested solution. Our custom-fitted night guards work great for most jaw types, so you can rest assured that you’ll wake up with your teeth feeling as good as new!



A retainer is a custom-made removable appliance that helps prevent your teeth from shifting, and can also be used to gaps between teeth. You may need to wear it only while sleeping or the entire day. Like braces, it can take some time to get used to wearing a retainer. But since it’s removable, you can take it out of your mouth when needed and put it back again afterward.



What are the benefits of dental implants?

Because dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement that mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, they can prevent many of the issues that come with missing teeth.

Dental implants keep your smile looking natural, so you can speak and smile with confidence. They’re permanently attached, so you can comfortably chew the foods you love, and they stimulate your jawbone like tooth roots to prevent bone loss. Lastly, they can replace or anchor dentures, which means no more glue!