Cosmetic Dentistry in Calgary

We want you to smile with confidence! That’s why we offer extensive cosmetic dental treatments.


Crowns & Bridges

Sometimes a tooth requires a bit more TLC, especially if it’s worn, broken or damaged beyond a small chip. We’ll construct a crown in our dental lab made to fit your smile and preference to bring your tooth’s function and appearance back to life!



If you’re an avid coffee fan, you may notice a few extra stains on your teeth. Veneers are the perfect solution for correcting those stains, and for making minor adjustments such as gaps in your teeth. Veneers are customized for your smile in our dental lab. Our dentists will then bond these extra-thin porcelain or resin covers to the front of your teeth to give you a new, clean smile.


No-Prep Veneers

Veneers are customized for your smile in our dental lab. Our dentists will then bond these extra-thin porcelain or resin covers to the front of your teeth to give you a new, clean smile.



Brighten your smile with our easy, non-invasive whitening treatments. Kick back and let us do the work in-office or bring trays home to do on your own time. Just be sure to book in for a cleaning beforehand for best results!



Maybe you have a big year ahead of you (weddings or graduations anyone?) or you prefer to keep a clear smile for the occasional selfie (we don’t judge). In these cases, traditional braces don’t always cut it. If that’s the case, Invisalign may be for you!

Discreetly align your smile with confidence using a series of trays made to fit your teeth. The cherry on top? Invisalign treatment duration is generally shorter than traditional braces.


Full-Mouth Restorations

We have a number of options and processes for Full-Mouth Restorations. Please contact us for more information on how to get your smile looking it’s best!



What can I do to protect my teeth & gums?

“You are what you eat” is a common phrase that is particularly true when we talk about how it impacts your oral health. Snacks that bathe your teeth in sugar feed bacteria that live in your mouth. Constant snacking doesn’t allow your saliva to clean away this sugar and bacteria, leaving you open to tooth decay and gum disease.

Choosing healthy fruits and vegetables helps prevent this bacteria from growing, and foods like apples that are crunchy and high in vitamins work as nature’s toothbrush while also giving healthy vitamins that support your overall health.

To prevent stains, try adding more water to your diet. Ensure your daily routines include brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.